Our company maintains quality management systems according to International Standards.
You can download the corresponding certificates here:
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 13485:2016
- ISO 37001:2016
- Ministerial Decision
- S.S.E.D.-Recycling WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
Solution Medical Care's policy is to achieve the appliance and maintenance of specifications that will ensure the trading of medical machinery and consumable sanitary equipment, meeting the expected and stated requirements of its customers as well as the applicable Greek legislation (E3/833/99).
The company's quality objectives are the following:
- To supply products according to the needs of its customers.
- To supply quality tested medical equipment and consumable sanitary equipment.
- To serve customers directly and respond to their comments and complaints.
The management of Solution Medical care in order to support the success of the above objectives and to demonstrate in practice its commitment to quality, has installed, implements and operates a Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 as well as a certificate system of quality assurance for medical devices, according to the requirements of THE8/348/04, by the Recognized Greek Certification Organization EKAPTY.
Solution Medical care maintains control and stable quality, with the selected suppliers, the continuous training of its staff and above all with the meticulous adherence of the quality assurance system. It invests in the continuous know-how information and training of its executives in order to produce quality in each activity.
Solution Medical Care is well known and recognized in the field of health as the result of continuous effort with great social assistance now aims even higher and guarantees the conditions of excellent quality and excellent cooperation.