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Quality policy

  • SOLUTION MEDICAL CARE is an actor in the Import - Trading of medical technology equipment.

    SOLUTION MEDICAL CARE is committed to:

    • systematically covers the declared needs of its customers, trading products and providing high quality services, delivering the products and providing the services in the agreed quantities, at the time, in the place and at the most favorable price, in compliance with the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements in Greece and abroad.


    SOLUTION MEDICAL CARE achieves the above through:

    • the definition of quality objectives in the context of its business Planning and the continuous monitoring, measurement, review and adjustment of critical parameters and processes related to them by the Top Management,
    • the recognition and allocation of all the required resources to ensure its uninterrupted, efficient and effective operation,
    • of providing integrated solutions by continuously developing the range of its existing products and services,
    • the supply of products that meet international standards, from producers that operate based on international standards,
    • maintaining excellent and stable working relationships with suppliers of products and services,
    • ensuring a high degree of satisfaction of the staff it has, by providing continuous training, a professionally suitable, safe and healthy working environment,
    • the continuous effort for continuous improvement of products, services and processes which is its main concern and the philosophy of each of its executives,
    • the continuous improvement of the working conditions and safety of the employees
    • of the continuous increase in turnover by a significant percentage,
    • the continuous effort to satisfy customers by a significant percentage,
    • the exact observance of the execution time of the orders,
    • the implementation of a Quality Management System according to the International Standard ELOT EN ISO 13485/2016 - ELOT EN ISO 9001/2015 - YA 1348.
