Vaginal Pessaries

Vaginal pessaries were introduced many years ago to be used in patients with mild prolapse or mild urinary incontinence. Recently, vaginal pessaries have been applied in cases of cervical insufficiency and to prevent premature birth.
The vaginal pessaries were occasionally manufactured with different materials such as glass, porcelain, clay or rubber. Today we use hypoallergenic hypoallergenic silicone. After menopause, topical application of estrogens is highly recommended to avoid local necrosis.The placement of the Pegasus provides an important therapeutic option for pelvic floor management because it avoids surgery and so costs are minimal. Silicone presses contain a steel spring to hold their shape, and can be used in patients with mild prolapse or mild urinary incontinence.The pelvic floor serves as a support for the pigeon. The ring can prevent milder forms of incontinence from trying. The pessary can be inserted and removed by the patient himself. Silicone pads are available in many types depending on the condition, and the individual needs of each patient. The sizes of each code are increased by 5 mm.
Ring Pessary
The ring-shaped silicone pessary (Ring pessary) contains a steel spring to hold its shape and can be used in patients suffering from mild genitalia or urinary incontinence. The pelvic floor serves as a support for the pessary.
Code: 09051
Dimension: 50 to 100 mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Indications: Preferably slight problems of descensus/prolapse and a mild form of incontinence.
Bowl Pessary Bowl Pessary / Sieve Bowl Pessary
Bowl and sieve Bowl pessary can be used in patients with urinary incontinence and incontinence. The pelvic floor serves to support the peso. The bowl is also available in a perforated version (sieve Bowl pessary) that can dispense with drainage. In patients with cystocele, the pts support both the medial and lateral defects.
Code: 09054
Dimension: 55 to 95mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Indications: Mild forms of pelvic relaxation and prolapse.
Code: 09052
Dimension:55 to 95mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Indications: Mild forms of pelvic relaxation and prolapse.
Cube Pessary
Cube Pessary is indicated for patients with severe vaginal or uterine prolapse, in which the pelvic floor is unable to support the ring in shape. Cube-shaped pessary is also suitable for patients with stress urinary incontinence. The flexibility of the material allows for daily change by the patient himself with a thread that is either on the edge or in the center of the treadmill.
Code: 09050
Dimension: 25mm, 29mm, 32mm, 37mm, 41mm, 45mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Indications: Different degrees of vaginal and uterine prolapse, even when the pelvic floor is not capable to support a ring pessary, even in the presence of scars, vaginal obstruction or problems of miction / cohabitation.
Urethra pessary / Urethra Bowl Pessary
Urethra pessary silicone pessary can be used in patients with stress incontinence or a combination of stress and urge incontinence after surgery. The pelvic floor serves as a support for the peso. The urethra pessary / Urethra bowl Pessary can easily be inserted and removed by the patient himself.
Code: 09053
Dimension: 55mm to 85mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Code: 09056
Dimension: 45mm to 100mm
Country of Origin: Germany
Indication: Stress incontinence possibly combined with descensus, but with still intact pelvic floor.
Club Pessary
Club pessary silicone pessary can be used in patients with rare vaginal and uterine prolapse in cases where conventional pessaries do not withstand pressure and cube-shaped pessary can increase stress incontinence.
Code: 08757
Dimension: 50mm to 90
Country of Origin: Germany
Indication: Patients with grade 3 to 4 prolapse of vagina and uterus are treated with the club pessary, in cases where urethra, ring or bowl pessaries do not help, and where a cube pessary might increase stress incontinence.
Cerclage Pessary Type ASQ
To support the cervix in pregnant patients, either with prolongation (painful "downward pressure" during standing posture and walking) and in pregnant women who are exposed to physical stress (eg, standing for long periods) or pregnant women with the threat of preterm labor.
Code: 09055
Dimension: 65/17/35, 65/17/35, 65/21/32, 65/21/35, 65/30/32, 35/30/35, 70/17/32, 70/17/35, 70/21/32, 70/21/35, 70/25/32, 70/25/35
Country of Origin: Germany
Indication: To support the cervix in pregnant patients either with complaints of prolapse (painful “downward pressure“ during standing and walking) and pregnant women exposed to physical strain (e.g. standing for a long time) and / or in patients with threatening preterm labor (funneling / short cervical length).