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You are: Home / Blog / World Incontinence Week 20-26 June 2022

World Incontinence Week 20-26 June 2022

Παγκόσμια Εβδομάδα Ακράτειας 20-26 Ιουνίου 2022

World Temperance Week (WCW) is an annual initiative created and managed by WFIPP, with the approval of the International Society of Incontinence (ICS) and the European Union of Urology (EAU). It is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about bladder and bowel issues, chronic pelvic pain and other debilitating conditions that greatly affect the lives of patients and their caregivers.

The main theme for 2022 is Sustainable Temperance Care.

Clearly, the aim is to raise global awareness of such conditions and to help remove stigma and taboos through events, publications, press releases and similar actions. It is estimated that urinary incontinence affects up to 1 in 3 people and is more common than allergic fever.

See the video below:
