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Scales and Height meters


Hematology control devices


Otoscopes - Ophthalmoscopes


Digital Radiography


Spirometers - flow meters

Audiometers - Audio recorders


Tuning forks


Body fat calipers


Urinal Analyzers

Body fat analyzers

Diagnostic tests

Gas monitoring

Bone Density Measurement

Reflective diagnostics

Force Gauge

Optometry boards

Urinal Analyzers


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- 6%

Code: 09997

Heine Mini 3000 LED dermatoscope

Heine Mini 3000 LED dermatoscope
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
582,80 €
545,60 €
(440,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 06016

Heine mini 3000 Led Ophtalmoscope black

Heine mini 3000 Led Ophtalmoscope black
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
303,80 €
293,88 €
(237,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 05421

Heine mini 3000 Ophthalmoscope - blue - D-001.71.120

Heine mini 3000 Ophthalmoscope - blue - D-001.71.120
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
225,68 €
219,48 €
(177,00 € + VAT)
- 14%

Code: 09996

Heine Mini 3000 XENON dermatoscope

Heine Mini 3000 XENON dermatoscope
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
520,80 €
446,40 €
(360,00 € + VAT)
- 5%

Code: 04285

Heine mini 3000 XHL halogen otoscope - black

Heine mini 3000 XHL halogen otoscope - black
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
127,72 €
121,52 €
(98,00 € + VAT)

Code: 04134

Heine mini 3000 XHL opthalmoscope - black

Heine mini 3000 XHL opthalmoscope - black
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
240,56 €
(194,00 € + VAT)

Code: 09899

Helicobacter Pylori test (Box of 40 tests)

Helicobacter Pylori test (Box of 40 tests)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
59,52 €
(48,00 € + VAT)
- 4%

Code: 08989

Hemo Control: hemoglobin and hematocrit measurer

Hemo Control: hemoglobin and hematocrit measurer
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
1.190,40 €
1.140,80 €
(920,00 € + VAT)

Code: 00652

Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Portable Analyzer Konsung H7 series

Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Portable Analyzer Konsung H7 series
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
496,00 €
(400,00 € + VAT)

Code: 08850

Homecare digital thermometer °C - 60 seconds

Homecare digital thermometer °C - 60 seconds
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
3,10 €
(2,50 € + VAT)

Code: 09759

Hydrogenius breath monitor

Hydrogenius breath monitor
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
Contact for price

Code: 10776

InBody BPBIO 220 series adult sphygmomanometer without mercury

InBody BPBIO 220 series adult sphygmomanometer without mercury
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
620,00 €
(500,00 € + VAT)

Code: 11591

InBody BPBIO 250 adult automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42

InBody BPBIO 250 adult automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
1.240,00 €
(1.000,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13629

InBody BPBIO 320 series adult fully automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42, all colors

InBody BPBIO 320 series adult fully automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42, all colors
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
3.199,20 €
(2.580,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13632

InBody BPBIO 750 adult fully automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42, all colors

InBody BPBIO 750 adult fully automatic sphygmomanometer with arm cuff 17-42, all colors
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
3.720,00 €
(3.000,00 € + VAT)
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