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Scales and Height meters


Hematology control devices


Otoscopes - Ophthalmoscopes


Digital Radiography


Spirometers - flow meters

Audiometers - Audio recorders


Tuning forks


Body fat calipers


Urinal Analyzers

Body fat analyzers

Diagnostic tests

Gas monitoring

Bone Density Measurement

Reflective diagnostics

Force Gauge

Optometry boards

Urinal Analyzers


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- 7%

Code: 06716

Riester RBP-100 Table Blood Pressure Monitor

Riester RBP-100 Table Blood Pressure Monitor
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
332,32 €
310,00 €
(250,00 € + VAT)
- 8%

Code: 13679

Riester RBP-100 Trolley Blood Pressure Monitor (adjustable height 75-120cm)

Riester RBP-100 Trolley Blood Pressure Monitor (adjustable height 75-120cm)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
458,80 €
421,60 €
(340,00 € + VAT)
- 7%

Code: 09994

Riester Ri-Former Led, diagnostic station large

Riester Ri-Former Led, diagnostic station large
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
1.426,00 €
1.326,80 €
(1.070,00 € + VAT)

Code: 05280

Riester RI-SAN Spygmo

Riester RI-SAN Spygmo
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
75,02 €
(60,50 € + VAT)

Code: 11414

Riester Vaquez Laubry 1380 sphygmomanometer with velcro adhesive cuff

Riester Vaquez Laubry 1380 sphygmomanometer with velcro adhesive cuff
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
97,96 €
(79,00 € + VAT)

Code: 01978

Roma paediatric sphygmomanometer

Roma paediatric sphygmomanometer
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
32,98 €
(26,60 € + VAT)
- 10%

Code: 08848

Rossmax Dual Head stethoscope

Rossmax Dual Head stethoscope
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
17,36 €
15,62 €
(12,60 € + VAT)
- 9%

Code: 08849

Rossmax EB600 Cardiology

Rossmax EB600 Cardiology
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
81,84 €
74,40 €
(60,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 05740

Scale Seca 756 (class III)

Scale Seca 756 (class III)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
458,80 €
446,40 €
(360,00 € + VAT)

Code: 05345

Screw type metallic connector for sphygmomanometers

Screw type metallic connector for sphygmomanometers
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
2,23 €
(1,80 € + VAT)

Code: 07873

Seca 201 - Circumference Measuring Tape

Seca 201 - Circumference Measuring Tape
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
13,64 €
(11,00 € + VAT)
- 4%

Code: 06593

Seca 210 baby measuring mat - 99 cm

Seca 210 baby measuring mat - 99 cm
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
114,08 €
109,12 €
(88,00 € + VAT)
- 8%

Code: 07759

Seca 216 measuring rod

Seca 216 measuring rod
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
163,68 €
151,28 €
(122,00 € + VAT)

Code: 01539

Seca 220 Telescopic measuring rod for seca column scales

Seca 220 Telescopic measuring rod for seca column scales
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
99,20 €
(80,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 04338

Seca 354 - electronic baby scale

Seca 354 - electronic baby scale
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
233,12 €
225,68 €
(182,00 € + VAT)
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