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Scales and Height meters


Hematology control devices


Otoscopes - Ophthalmoscopes


Digital Radiography


Spirometers - flow meters

Audiometers - Audio recorders


Tuning forks


Body fat calipers


Urinal Analyzers

Body fat analyzers

Diagnostic tests

Gas monitoring

Bone Density Measurement

Reflective diagnostics

Force Gauge

Optometry boards

Urinal Analyzers


Products per page
- 7%

Code: 07760

Soehnle electronic Height Rod

Soehnle electronic Height Rod
Delivery up to 30 days
186,00 €
173,60 €
(140,00 € + VAT)
- 5%

Code: 06012

Soehnle Exacta body fat scale

Soehnle Exacta body fat scale
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
46,87 €
44,64 €
(36,00 € + VAT)
- 11%

Code: 10882

SP-10 pocket spirometer

SP-10 pocket spirometer
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
307,52 €
272,80 €
(220,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13500

SP20 Rechargeable Handheld Pulse Oximeter

SP20 Rechargeable Handheld Pulse Oximeter
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
254,20 €
(205,00 € + VAT)

Code: 08205

Spare bulb 2.5V for Parker otoscopes and some Riester

Spare bulb 2.5V for Parker otoscopes and some Riester
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
14,88 €
(12,00 € + VAT)

Code: 10326

Spare parts kit for 3M Littmann Stethoscopes Classic III & Cardiology IV Gray

Spare parts kit for 3M Littmann Stethoscopes Classic III & Cardiology IV Gray
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
33,85 €
(27,30 € + VAT)

Code: 11369

Speaking Upper Arm Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor 22-36 Beurer BM-49

Speaking Upper Arm Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor 22-36 Beurer BM-49
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
59,52 €
(48,00 € + VAT)

Code: 03984

Sphygmomanometer Riester R1Shock Proof

Sphygmomanometer Riester R1Shock Proof
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
106,64 €
(86,00 € + VAT)

Code: 09876

Spirobank II Basic single use turbine + software

Spirobank II Basic single use turbine + software
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
1.450,80 €
(1.170,00 € + VAT)

Code: 04934

Spirobank II Smart + SpO2 module+ software

Spirobank II Smart + SpO2 module+ software
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
2.356,00 €
(1.900,00 € + VAT)

Code: 06068

SpO2 Silicone Soft-tip Sensor,pediatric 1m reusable

SpO2 Silicone Soft-tip Sensor,pediatric 1m reusable
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
111,60 €
(90,00 € + VAT)

Code: 04206

Spo2 Wrap Sensor Neonate 1m reusable

Spo2 Wrap Sensor Neonate 1m reusable
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
111,60 €
(90,00 € + VAT)

Code: 04203

Standard adult Cuff + bladder 1 tube 49x15 cm - nylon black

Standard adult Cuff + bladder 1 tube 49x15 cm - nylon black
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
8,80 €
(7,10 € + VAT)

Code: 11835

Stethoscope Classic black with 3 heads (adult - paidiatric - infant)

Stethoscope Classic black with 3 heads (adult - paidiatric - infant)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
76,88 €
(62,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13400

Strep-A Test device (Box of 20 tests)

Strep-A Test device (Box of 20 tests)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
35,59 €
(28,70 € + VAT)
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