Code: 12219
Heartsave AED including 6-year lithium battery life
Code: 06226
HeartSave AED-M including one rechargeable AkuPak LITE
Code: 10642
HeartSave PAD (biphasic) with Lithium Battery
Code: 14619
Heater for stamps and small towels, white - 8L, UV sterilization
Code: 09723
Heavy Duty Shower chair (with backrest)
Code: 06120
HEBU Dust Extractor set HB8889-01
Code: 00946
Hegar set of uterine dilators, 8pcs
Code: 08913
Heine Beta Battery Handle 2.5 V
Code: 05641
Heine binocular loupe 2,5x - 420mm
Code: 05643
Heine Binocular Loupe 4X - 340mm
Code: 06003
Heine Classic + F.O. Laryngoscope set with 3 blades
Code: 09313
Heine Delta 20T LED dermatoscope head with contact plate and graduated scale
Code: 10000
Heine Delta 20T LED USB+TR dermatoscope for immersion & polarization
Code: 08912
Heine G100 Slit Illumination Head 2.5 V
Code: 05474