Baby digital scale MBD 20K-2S05

- Description
Baby digital scale MBD 20K-2S05
Ergonomic, modern design with a large weighing surface for safe weighing of babies.
It has a sturdy plastic tray for easy and healthy cleaning.
It is a very flat and light construction, so that it is easy to transport and store.
It has a safe and non-slip position with height-adjustable legs, made of rubber.
Data retention function: for easy reading of the weight screen.
Special function for neonatology centers: difference function for calculating weight gain before and after feeding.
It has an internal weight memory for weight value.
Built-in AUTO-OFF function to save battery power.
Units of weight measurement: Kg / lb.
Casing material: Plastic
Dimension’s housing (W?D?H): 597 x 350 x 74 mm
Dimensions of weighing plate (W?D?H): 650 x 350 x 55 mm
Material weighing plate: Plastic
Overall dimensions mounted (W?D?H): 597 x 350 x 74 mm
Weighing surface (WxD): 560 x 225 mm
Display digit height (large): 30 mm
Battery: 2 x 1.5V AAA
Operating time: 20 h
Linearity: 50 g
Readability [d]: 10 g
Repeatability: 10 g
Resolution: 1500
Tare range: 15 Kg
Warm up time: 10 min
Weighing capacity [Max]: 15 Kg
Weighing system: Strain gauge
Weighing units: Kg/lb
Environmental conditions
Maximum humidity: 80%
Maximum operating temperature: 35 °C
Minimum ambient temperature: 5 °C