Chemisept Med liduid hand disinfectant 1000ml with pump, 80% alcohol and glycerin
- Description
Chemisept Med liguid hand disinfectant 1000ml with pump, 80% alcohol and glycerin
Immediate high-level disinfection.
- Duration of action: 3 hours
- pH values: 6.5 - 7.5
- Biodegradable
- Pact according to EN 12054, EN 14348, EN 1275, EN 12791, EN 1500
- Spectrum of action: Bactericidal, fungicidal, destroys Gram + and Gram- bacteria (incl. M.terrae). Inactivates viruses with or without envelope, including A (H1N1), A (H1N5), HBV, HIV, HCV, Vaccinia, Herpes simplex, Adeno, Rota.
- Hand antiseptic: 3 ml
- Surgical antiseptic: 3 - 6 ml
- Hand antiseptic according to EN1500: use 3ml on washed and dry hands, and rub for 30 seconds until dry.
- Surgical hand antiseptic according to EN12791: use at least 3ml and rub thoroughly between the hands to the elbows twice for 1.5 minutes. It is important that the whole area is covered with the antiseptic.