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Cidex OPA ready for use 4lt

Cidex OPA ready for use 4lt

Code: 13879
58,30 €
(55,00 € + VAT)

High-level disinfectant CIDEX OPA

Temporarily unavailable
Delivery time: Delivery 4 to 10 days

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  • Description


Blank pageCidex OPA ready for use 4lt
Fast and effective, high-level disinfectant designed to provide a faster and easier to use high-level disinfectant. The CIDEX OPA solution provides high-level disinfection within five minutes at room temperature (20 ° C) against a wide range of microorganisms, including viruses, fungi, bacteria and mycobacteria.
It is simple to use and is specifically designed for healthcare facilities that are looking for a more effective HLD alternative to aldehydes. It requires no activation, is ready to be used directly from the bottle and also has a unique low odor feature.
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