Disinfectant Foam Sterisept RFU 1000ml, Without alcohol
Ready to use high level disinfectant spray-foam for medical equipment and surfaces that are sensitive to alcohols. It does not contain aldehydes, alcohol, or PHMB
- Description
Disinfectant Foam Sterisept RFU 1000ml, Without alcohol
Detergent - Disinfectant spray without alcohol for sensitive medical equipment. Disinfectant foam for a high level of disinfection on surfaces sensitive to alcohol. The composition of Sterisept RFU does not contain alcohol, aldehydes or PHMB. Sterisept RFU is suitable for pre-disinfection and wetting of surgical instruments. It has a wide range of bactericidal (incl. MRSA, VRE), mycobactericidal (incl. M.Avium, M.terrae) and fungicidal action. It is active against viruses (including HBV, HIV, HCV, Vaccinia, Rota) and seeds (C. difficile).
Use with a cloth: Put a sufficient amount of disinfectant on a suitable cloth and wipe the surfaces.
Use by spraying: Spray on the surface from a distance of about 30cm and spread with a cloth. Ensure complete coverage of surfaces. Its duration of action is from 60sec depending on the action (See effectiveness table).
Use in incubators: Spray on incubators, leave on for the appropriate time and rinse well.