Rotasept Ready to Use 2lt disinfectant liquid for dentist medical rotary tools and mills

Ready to use. Recommended contact time 15' (for ultrasound 5'). It is stable for 24 hours.
- Description
Rotasept Ready to Use 2lt disinfectant liquid for dentist medical rotary tools and mills
Disinfectant liquid specially designed for the disinfection of rotary medical instruments, burs, and dental instruments.
It is ready to use without the need for dilution.
It is a mild disinfectant with high efficiency and special anti-rust protection of the materials that are dipped.
It does not contain aldehydes and is compatible with an ultrasonic bath.
It is alcohol-based, therefore alcohol-sensitive tools, plastic parts, parts made of aluminum and instruments made of synthetic resin adhesives should not be immersed.
It is colorless with a density of 1g/cm3.
It has a pH of 13.7.
It is compatible with ultrasonic baths.
It is stable for 24 hours.
Microbiological effectiveness:
Bactericidal (EN13727, EN14561) according to VAH: 5 minutes
Mycobactericide (EN14348, EN14563) according to VAH: 15 minutes
Yeasticide (EN13624, EN14562) according to VAH: 5 minutes
Viricide (EN14476): 1 minute
Ingredients (per 100g):
1.6g potassium hydroxide, 10g propan-2-ol.