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Silver nitrate stick all types Silver nitrate stick all types
Silver nitrate stick all types

Silver nitrate stick all types

Code: 13646
Manufacturer Ref: 13646
85,31 € - 93,00 €
(68,80 € - 75,00 € + VAT)

Silver nitrate stick all types

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  • Description


Silver nitrate stick 75% and 95%
Silver Nitrate Sticks are a device containing Silver Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate on its tip. They have been mentioned in pharmacopoeias throughout history and are applied topically for the chemical cauterisation in various fields.


Silver Nitrate Sticks remove excess granualation tissue which can develop in healing wounds of the skin, e.g. surgical cavities with granulation tissue. They are suitable for the use in wound management, stoma care and for the treatment of aphtous stomatitis. Silver Nitrate Sticks are used for haemostasis of smaller bleedings such as nosebleeds (epistaxis) or e.g. cervical nicks after biopsies or where electocautery would be inconvenient and painful. They are often used for the removal of warts and in the fields of podology (e.g. for the removal of corns). Residual tissue of umbilical cords of new born babies can easily be removed.


Silver Nitrate has an astringent, caustic effect. The purpose of using Potassium Nitrate is to mitigate the effect of Silver Nitrate.


The users have formed their own preferences and there are no formal recommendations regarding strength, lenght or material.

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