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Wound Care




Emergency bags

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Emergency Aid Equipment

First Aid

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Code: 04638

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, adult

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, adult
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
22,94 €
(18,50 € + VAT)

Code: 04640

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, infant

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, infant
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
21,82 €
(17,60 € + VAT)

Code: 04639

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, pediatric

Ambu Spur II Resuscitator, pediatric
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
21,82 €
(17,60 € + VAT)

Code: 08264

Basic Buddy CPR Manikin

Basic Buddy CPR Manikin
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
279,00 €
(225,00 € + VAT)

Code: 14411

Battery for Primedic DefiMonitor defibrillator AkuPak LITE XD

Battery for Primedic DefiMonitor defibrillator AkuPak LITE XD
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 1 to 3 days
781,20 €
(630,00 € + VAT)

Code: 07332

Boston splint 92x11cm

Boston splint 92x11cm
Delivery up to 30 days
16,12 €
(13,00 € + VAT)

Code: 05168

Bulb for Miller blades 00, 0,1 and MC-int 0 2.7V

Bulb for Miller blades 00, 0,1 and MC-int 0 2.7V
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
19,84 €
(16,00 € + VAT)

Code: 08054

Compatible Pads for defibrillator CU i-PAD NF1200, and Cmos Drake Futura (Set of 2)

Compatible Pads for defibrillator CU i-PAD NF1200, and Cmos Drake Futura (Set of 2)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
58,28 €
(47,00 € + VAT)

Code: 12180

Compatible PADS for defibrillator Drager, Innomed, S&W, W-Allyn (2 pcs)

Compatible PADS for defibrillator Drager, Innomed, S&W, W-Allyn (2 pcs)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
59,52 €
(48,00 € + VAT)

Code: 01140

compatible pads for defibrillator Medtronic,Osatu Bexen

compatible pads for defibrillator Medtronic,Osatu Bexen
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
59,52 €
(48,00 € + VAT)

Code: 12212

Compatible PADS for defibrillator Schiller (10 kit of 2)

Compatible PADS for defibrillator Schiller (10 kit of 2)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
419,12 €
(338,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 12178

Compatible pads for Zoll defibrillators (10kit of 2)

Compatible pads for Zoll defibrillators (10kit of 2)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
465,00 €
452,60 €
(365,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13535

Compatible paediatric pads for defibrillator Lifepak

Compatible paediatric pads for defibrillator Lifepak
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
106,64 €
(86,00 € + VAT)
- 6%

Code: 08393

Defi 5T AED trainer

Defi 5T AED trainer
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
339,20 €
318,00 €
(300,00 € + VAT)

Code: 06263

DefiMonitor XD10

DefiMonitor XD10
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
5.194,00 €
(4.900,00 € + VAT)
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