Active Erection3 Electronic vacuum erection device for erectile dysfunction

Active Erection3 Electronic vacuum erection device for erectile dysfunction
- Description
Active3 Electronic vacuum erection device for erectile dysfunction
The Active3 is a medical device for achieving an erection.
The pump creates a vacuum in the cylinder around the penis.
This draws blood into the shaft of the penis and causes it to swell and become erect.
One of the constriction rings is then slid down over the shaft of the penis.
This prevents blood from flowing back out of the penis when the cylinder is removed and maintains the erection.
The thus obtained erection allows for normal and satisfying sexual intercourse.
The Active3 can be easily cleaned with warm water.
All parts, including the constriction rings, can be reordered.
The pump head (motor) comes with a 2-year guarantee.
All parts are kept in the bag supplied.
Common causes of erectile dysfunction:
Smoking and alcohol abuse
Cardiac infraction or stroke
Disorder of the cardiovascular system
High lipid concentration
Depression or other mental disorders
Neuropathic disorder
Electronic pump head, rechargeable
Translucent cylinder (200mm length, 53mm inner diameter)
Ring loader 1 and 2
4 different constriction rings (10, 12.5, 15, 20 mm inner diameter)
Lubricant 50ml
Charging devise
USB plug-in power supply
User instructions
Storage bag
Medical Device CE
Made in Germany