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Μπατονέτες γλυκερίνης με γεύση λεμόνι για την ξηροστομία (3pcs) Μπατονέτες γλυκερίνης με γεύση λεμόνι για την ξηροστομία (3pcs)
Μπατονέτες γλυκερίνης με γεύση λεμόνι για την ξηροστομία (3pcs)

Μπατονέτες γλυκερίνης με γεύση λεμόνι για την ξηροστομία (3pcs)

Code: 14086
Manufacturer Ref: 1115
Manufacturer: Optimum Medical
0,43 €
(0,38 € + VAT)

Glycerine Swabsticks with lemon flavour (3pcs)

Temporarily unavailable
Delivery time: Delivery up to 30 days

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Glycerine swabsticks with lemon flavour for dry mouth (3pcs)
Glycerin swabsticks with lemon flavor, without added sugar for dry mouth.
Glycerin swabs are designed to provide relief from the discomfort caused by dry mouth.
With a refreshing lemon flavor and soft edges, glycerin swabs help provide much-needed moisture to the mouth.
Soaked swabs are used to care for the lips and oral cavity in patients with insufficient saliva production, especially in high fever or after major surgery.
You can use soaked cotton swabs in a multitude of situations.
Throw it away after use.
Each box contains 25 individual sachets.
Each sachet contains 3 swabs.
In total, each box contains 75 swabs.
Available in Lemon and Blackcurrant flavour.

Tip: Put the package in the freezer and you automatically turn them into Ice Sticks!
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