Code: 00604
Sonesta S2 Procedure Chair, 230V
Code: 06595
Split Balloon Single Lumen PVC 4.5 fr 2600mm long Box of 25
Code: 00746
TNF-R Argon (formerly B-D) disposable pressure transducer
Code: 00558
Triple lumen Cystometry/UPP catheter, 9 French
Code: 03913
Triple lumen Cystometry/UPP catheter, 9 French, with short lines
Code: 09158
Urgent PC Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS)
Code: 00960
Urodynamic CYS Set,consists of: MMS U-72902 and MMS U-71501
Code: 03386
Urodynamic Set with bladder 6Fr and rectal 7,5 Fr catheter, Codes:(00484+00534)
Code: 06356
Urodynamic System Goby IV By Laborie
Code: 06846
Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie
Code: 01042
Urodynamic system Solar Blue, Laptop integrated
Code: 01256
Urodynamic system Solar Blue, Table Top
Code: 00957
Urodynamic UPP 9 Fr Set consists of: (MMS U-73901) & (MMS U-71501)
Code: 09752
Video fluoroscopy table sonesta 6210
Code: 06169