20MHz microvascular doppler system
20MHz microvascular doppler system
- Description
20MHz microvascular doppler system
The essential and cost-effective intraoperative microvascular Doppler that provides you with the sound information you need.
The VTI 20 MHz Microvascular Doppler System was specifically designed for surgeons who have a need to interrogate the microvasculature.
Combining a miniature probe tip with a high operating frequency, the system emits a tightly focused signal with a shallow depth of signal penetration, imparting a level of precision essential for the microsurgeon. The sterile-out-of-the-package, single-use probes optimize patient safety and eliminate probe failure due to reprocessing.
Surgical Specialties
Cardiovascular Surgery
Urological Surgery
Features and Benefits
Integrates a miniature probe tip with a high operating frequency.
Emits a tightly focused signal, imparting the precision required for microsurgery.
Probes specifically designed to minimize obstruction of the surgical view.
Provides real-time evaluation of vasculature.
Cost-effective and ideal for intraoperative use in microsurgical procedures
Utilizes disposable Doppler probes which optimize patient safety and probe reliability.
Eliminates probe failure due to reprocessing.