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Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie
Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie

Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie

Code: 06846
Manufacturer Ref: U8-4
Manufacturer: Laborie

Urodynamic system Nexam Pro CIM, trolley system By MMS- Laborie

Code: 00957
Price without VAT 19,60 €
Price with tax 24,30 €
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Code: 03386
Price without VAT 24,30 €
Price with tax 30,13 €
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Code: 06869
Price without VAT 12,30 €
Price with tax 15,25 €
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Code: 13298
Price without VAT 22,00 €
Price with tax 27,28 €
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Comprehensive wireless Urodynamic system Nexam Pro, trolley version by Laborie
Nexam Pro is an easy-to-use, comprehensive system that offers unique flexibility and modularity, ideal for both routine clinical urodynamics and research.

As well as all types of standard urodynamic examinations, Nexam Pro can be upgraded to perform video urodynamics and Neuro-UDS studies

Nexam Pro's unique Virtual Instructor Program (VIP) assists quickly and easily during the investigation by delivering high quality results.

Bluetooth technology provides a variety of functionalities such as multiple wireless uroflow, wireless pressure wireless EMG recordings and a wireless speed controlled catheter puller system.

Highly-intuitive built-in software includes an efficient patient database for easy storage and retrieval of examination data.

Built-in Virtual Instructor Program (VIP): Comprehensive and user-friendly, guides you step-by-step through every urodynamic examination.

Fully customizable procedures and reports require minimal training, saving time and money while allowing more focus on the patient.

Choose T-DOC® Air-Charged, Fluid-Filled or disposable or reusable Electronic catheters.

Complete HL7, DICOM PACS and EMR/HIS connectivity option.

Workstation with height adjustable monitor, keyboard shelf and locking wheels: allowing a sitting or standing position during the investigation.

Multiple upgrade options include: wireless patient unit, UPP Puller, second flowmeter, (EMG) recordings, biofeedback and neuro stimulation module.

Wireless patient unit, uroflowmeter and UPP Puller support recording of up to 16 data channels on-screen.

Video urodynamics with split-screen display to simultaneously monitor bladder and X-ray images, enhancing the diagnosis of lower urinary tract dysfunctions.

10 roller infusion pump and infusion weight transducer included as standard with every system for accuracy and reliability.

Neuro-UDS: Neuro Module for free-running EMG, High speed/ frequency EMG (up to 10 kHz), Pudendal Nerve Stimulation (PNS), Motor Nerve Conduction, Sacral Reflex and Sensory Treshold.
Trolley: Nexam trolley with height adjustable monitor arm for TFT flat screen (up to 26"), Keyboard and mouse shelf, storage drawer, U-shaped accessory rall, infuson pole (O-shape), side shields, 4 wheels with brakes

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With Intelligent Cath-ID System

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