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Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes
Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes

Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes

Code: 09865
Manufacturer Ref: 09865-26764
17,24 € - 21,45 €
(13,90 € - 17,30 € + VAT)

Killian/Hartmann Nose Forceps all sizes

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Stainless Steel Killian/Hartmann nose forceps
Killian Hartmann 14cm Rhinoscopes for use by otolaryngologist in various sizes made of stainless steel.
After cleaning and before sterilization, it is recommended to cover the equipment with oil, especially in the joints, terminals and all moving parts.
Also make sure that the product does not come into contact with acids or other aggressive disinfectants that could corrode it.
The recommended sterilization method is steam autoclaving, and the temperature of the cycle should not exceed 135 C (275 F) for a maximum of 15 minutes to prevent product deterioration.
For hot air sterilization, a temperature of between 180 and 200 C is recommended.
Products can also be sterilized in tool sterilization ovens up to 121 C.

Available in the following sizes:

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