Handpiece 1550nm Fractional for Laser Multiplatform FLEXSYS

Handpiece 1550nm Fractional
- Description
Handpiece 1550nm Fractional for Laser Multiplatform FLEXSYS
This fractional laser uses a wavelength that heats the tissue in a controlled
manner. The rise in temperature stimulates the formation of new collagen.
Collagen is a fibrous protein that is responsible for giving the skin its
elasticity and suppleness.
Down time is significantly reduced as the fractional non-ablative laser is
only treating parts of the skin (MTZ = micro treatment zones) and does
not involve tissue evaporation or ablation. That leads to improved patient
acceptance compared with ablative treatments.
A state of the art scanner enables you to choose the optimal
shape, size and density for each treatment.
The laser needs only one pass to be effective, saving time and protecting tissue.
Treatments: acne scarring, wringles, and skin mottling associated with photoaging
Treatment of pigmentary variations: melasma, hyperpigmented scars, lentigines and dyschromia
Durable technology
No consumables
Specifications: 1550 nm GREEN 532 nm
Light source Diode laser
Wavelength 1550 nm
Energy 6 — 100 mJ
Power 15 W
Max. treatment area scanner 10 mm x 10 mm
Pulse duration < 10 ms
Dimensions scanner (h x l x d) 9.4 cm x 3.7 cm x 5.5 cm
Weight scanner 0.3 kg