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High Intensity Focused RF Infini MFR (v1.2) High Intensity Focused RF Infini MFR (v1.2)
High Intensity Focused RF Infini MFR (v1.2)
- 17%

High Intensity Focused RF Infini MFR (v1.2)

Code: 07377
26.040,00 €
21.700,00 €
(17.500,00 € + VAT)
Code: 05948
Price without VAT 51,00 €
Price with tax 63,24 €
Code: 07144
Price without VAT 61,00 €
Price with tax 75,64 €
Temporarily unavailable
Total: 21.700,00 €
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  • Description


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Infini by Lutronic – non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Infini by Lutronic provides non-surgical cosmetic treatments on the face, neck and body. The device uses a combination of micro-needle technology and radio-frequency energy, which can be precisely targeted to problem areas on the face and body. 

Lutroninc INFINI™ is the next generation of 3D fractional volumization. High-intensity focused radio frequency micro needling rejuvenates skin by boosting collagen production. It improves wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and tightens the skin, improving tone and radiance. Radio frequency stimulates collagen production at deep levels of the skin, which gives an overall tightening and lifting effect, as well as improving the skin’s appearance on the surface. 

Radio frequency and micro-needling have individually been used as effective anti-ageing treatments for a number of years. But the ability to offer both treatments together at the same time – with the radio frequency providing added heat to deliver a more intense treatment and exceptional results, is something new. 

The gold plated micro needles allow for the deeper penetration of the radio frequency at the same time as causing thousands of micro-injuries to the skin. This stimulates the production of new collagen, dramatically tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

Infini is ideal for treating aesthetic issues on patients with ageing, sagging, wrinkled skin, acne scaring and skin with pigmentation. A great advantage is it can be used on people with active acne and on all skin types, including darker skin and tanned skin, and can help to effectively reduce the appearance of acne scars over time, leaving the skin smoother and clearer than it was before.

By volumising dermal tissue and smoothing out wrinkles and sagging skin, Infini can help restore elasticity and freshness to the face without medical intervention – making patients feel at their best again. As it’s non-surgical, patients can carry on with their daily lives almost immediately after treatment.

Why is Infini safe for darker skinned patients? 

Infini protects the epidermis where pigment cells are because it’s needles are insulated. Also, the depth can be adjusted so the heat from the RF stays in the dermis, below the most superficial layer.  Other devices are either not insulated, or try to push heat through the skin, potentially damaging the pigment cells. 

How does the Infini compare to laser treatments for active acne and acne scars?  

The Infini is safer than a laser, with less downtime, and no risk to the eyes.  As stated above, dark skin patients can be treated more safely with the Infini when compared to a laser because a laser will heat the upper layer of skin, the epidermis. Lasers carry the risk of pigment changes in the skin, these can be either lighter or darker.  Results from Infini appear to be better than lasers for acne scars.  An added benefit is that elastin is also produced (elastinosis) in response to a RF treatment, this is not the case with laser resurfacing treatments.

What other areas of the body can be treated with Infini? 

The neck and decollete is usually treated in conjunction with the face.  Other possible treatment areas include skin laxity on the arms, knees, stretch marks and scars from surgery. Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating can also be successfully treated with Infini. With appropriate training and the correct settings Infini can be used on all areas of the body


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