Code: 04134
Heine mini 3000 XHL opthalmoscope - black
Code: 07806
Heine ML4 Led HQ Head Light J.008.31.413
Code: 10138
Heine unispec disposable Proctoscope 130x20mm (25 pieces)
Code: 09899
Helicobacter Pylori test (Box of 40 tests)
Code: 12945
Helpi Ring against premature ejaculation
Code: 08989
Hemo Control: hemoglobin and hematocrit measurer
Code: 00652
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Portable Analyzer Konsung H7 series
Code: 08781
Henning plaster cast instrument 28cm
Code: 08010
Hettich Centrifuge EBA 200 max. RPM (speed): 6000 min-1
Code: 10984
Hettich Centrifuge EBA 270 capacity: 6x15 ml 4000 rpm/min
Code: 07851
Code: 11820
HF Cusco stainless steel speculum - medium with insulation for HF applications and suction connector
Code: 05274
HF-bipolar resectoscope connecting cable suitable for Martin Maxium, 4,5m
Code: 03746
HF-Monopolar cable suitable for units 4mm banana male/male
Code: 01810