Code: 08360
Code: 08666
S/S Mayo instruments tray 432x295x19 mm
Code: 09962
S8 biphasic defibrillator/monitor + NIBP/SPO2/TEMP
Code: 12136
S8 biphasic defibrillator/monitor + optional SpO2, NIBP, EtCO2, 7500mAh battery
Code: 08944
Saddle shaped stool with backrest and metal frame Noble, all colours
Code: 08945
Saddle-shaped backless stool with wheels, all colors
Code: 06246
SAED Defibrillator Rescue SAM
Code: 11996
SAED Defibrillator Rescue SAM
Code: 09983
Code: 11003
Safety biopsy container pre-filled with formaldehyde Formaleasy 5 ml
Code: 11004
Safety biopsy container pre-filled with formaldehyde Securbiop 10 ml
Code: 09298
Code: 12751
Saline conical electrode 3mm, 24 Fr
Code: 05275
Saline Cutting loop electrode 30° angled, 24 Fr (Storz compatible)
Code: 05273