Code: 05491
Alcohol-based surface rapid disinfectant Bacillol AF 1000ml
Code: 05075
Alcohol-based surface rapid disinfectant Bacillol AF 50ml
Code: 10962
Bacticid Surface Disinfectant Spray 1000ml with 72% alcohol
Code: 13512
Rotasept Ready to Use 2lt disinfectant liquid for dentist medical rotary tools and mills
Code: 11055
Disinfectant - Tool Cleaner Sekusept AKTIV 1,5 Kg
Code: 11161
Dental suction systems disinfectant Descosuc 5lt
Code: 11060
Aniospray Quick surface and medical devices disinfectant spray 1 lt aldeides free
Code: 11053
Code: 12743
Three-Enzyme disinfectant for medical tools Aniosyme XL3 5Lt
Code: 11059
Surface disinfectant cleaning Incidin Pro 6 lt aldehydes free
Code: 08851
Disinfectant liquid for medical tools and equipment Glutasept S glutaraldeid 2% 5lt
Code: 11056
Disinfectant liquid for endoscopes and medical tools Steranios glutaraldeid 2% 5Lt
Code: 11581
Mikrozid AF liquid for surfaces with high-rate alcohol and aldehydes free, all sizes
Code: 11586
Mikrozid Sensitive liquid for surfaces alcohol-free and aldehydes-free 1000ml
Code: 11150