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Scales and Height meters


Hematology control devices


Otoscopes - Ophthalmoscopes


Digital Radiography


Spirometers - flow meters

Audiometers - Audio recorders


Tuning forks


Body fat calipers


Urinal Analyzers

Body fat analyzers

Diagnostic tests

Gas monitoring

Bone Density Measurement

Reflective diagnostics

Force Gauge

Optometry boards

Urinal Analyzers


Products per page

Code: 04741

Aluminium tuning fork 128Hz

Aluminium tuning fork 128Hz
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
57,66 €
(46,50 € + VAT)
- 6%

Code: 09379

Amplivox 240 diagnostic audiometer air, bone, mask conduction

Amplivox 240 diagnostic audiometer air, bone, mask conduction
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery 4 to 10 days
3.038,00 €
2.852,00 €
(2.300,00 € + VAT)

Code: 09108

Analogue refractometer ORA-3HΑ

Analogue refractometer ORA-3HΑ
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
148,80 €
(120,00 € + VAT)
- 4%

Code: 11076

Analytical balance KERN ADB 200-4

Analytical balance KERN ADB 200-4
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
1.264,80 €
1.215,20 €
(980,00 € + VAT)

Code: 11836

Andon blood pressure monitor

Andon blood pressure monitor
Delivery up to 30 days
33,85 €
(27,30 € + VAT)

Code: 08002

Antibacterial filter for MIR, Medisoft spirometers (50 per box)

Antibacterial filter for MIR, Medisoft spirometers (50 per box)
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
136,40 €
(110,00 € + VAT)

Code: 03865

Astra scale - 200 kg Mechanical with height meter (75-200 cm)

Astra scale - 200 kg Mechanical with height meter (75-200 cm)
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
272,80 €
(220,00 € + VAT)

Code: 13422

Audiometer Audixi 10, all configurations

Audiometer Audixi 10, all configurations
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
3.596,00 € - 5.580,00 €
(2.900,00 € - 4.500,00 € + VAT)
- 3%

Code: 06613

Auto Lancet device AST method

Auto Lancet device AST method
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
7,81 €
7,56 €
(6,10 € + VAT)

Code: 11521

Baby digital scale MBD 20K-2S05

Baby digital scale MBD 20K-2S05
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
133,92 €
(108,00 € + VAT)

Code: 04097

Baby measure Calibro

Baby measure Calibro
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
96,72 €
(78,00 € + VAT)

Code: 05817

Baby Measuring mat

Baby Measuring mat
Delivery up to 30 days
58,90 €
(47,50 € + VAT)
- 4%

Code: 11514

Baby scale Kern MBA 10K3M

Baby scale Kern MBA 10K3M
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
694,40 €
669,60 €
(540,00 € + VAT)
- 4%

Code: 11562

Baby Scale, battery and mains, Kern MBC 20K10M

Baby Scale, battery and mains, Kern MBC 20K10M
Temporarily unavailable
Delivery up to 30 days
582,80 €
558,00 €
(450,00 € + VAT)
- 5%

Code: 08583

Baby Scale, battery, Kern MBC 20K10EM

Baby Scale, battery, Kern MBC 20K10EM
In stock
Delivery 1 to 3 days
456,32 €
434,00 €
(350,00 € + VAT)
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