Lugol solution 5% (100-200-500 and 1000ml)
- Description
Lugol solution 5% (100-200-500 and 1000ml)
Lugol 5% iodine solution in a glass bottle. Used for vaginal examinations in which the iodine solution is applied to the cervix or vaginal area with a swab to diagnose cervical cancer.
It browns normal tissue with a high glycogen content, while the dreaded tissue remains pale due to lack of glycogen.
The doctor rinses the test area with the solution and follows a visual assessment of the discoloration.
After use, the area is rinsed with water or saline.
Keeps tightly closed and protected from light, at a temperature room.
It is often referred to as the "Schiller test" and Lugol’s solution will stain the diseased tissue and clearly show abnormal cells indicating possible biopsy or treatment sites.
Available in packages of 100ml-200ml-500ml and 1000ml.