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Sibelsound 400-A Audiometer, air conduction Sibelsound 400-A Audiometer, air conduction
Sibelsound 400-A Audiometer, air conduction
- 4%

Sibelsound 400-A Audiometer, air conduction

Code: 09894
3.472,00 €
3.348,00 €
(2.700,00 € + VAT)

Two-channel digital audiometers based on DSP processing!

Temporarily unavailable
Delivery time: Delivery up to 30 days

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  • Description


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Sibelsound 400-A SCREENING AUDIOMETER - air conduction
The Sibelsound 400 is a two channels digital audiometer based on DSP processing.
This audiometer is designed for quick and easy audiometric exploration of hearing thresholds and screening tests, such as suprathreshold pure tone tests (FOWLER-ABLB, TONE DECAY, WEBER, LUSCHER, etc).

Air conduction (TDH 39): 125 - 8,000 Hz or HF: 8,000-20,000 Hz with optional HDA 200
Levels: AC (-10 to 120 dB HL) / BC (-10 to 70 dB HL) / speech (-10 to100 dB HL) free field (-10 to 80 dB HL)
Masking levels (manual or synchronized): NBN AC (-10 to 100 dB HL) NBN BC (-10 to 70 dB HL) white & speech (-10 to 100 dB SPL)
Tone: Continuous, pulse, alternate, amplitude modulation.
Level increases: 5
Frequency precision: ±1%/ level precision ±2% db SPL
Automatic calculation of hearing loss and diagnosis (COUNCIL, IMSS MEXICO, ELI, SAL, KLOCKHOFF, MOH, OTHERS ...)
Direct USB connection to PC to W50 audiometry software for viewing, storage, transmission, analysis and introduction of audiometric tests (Windows® environment)

Technical Specifications
Audiometry type: 4 screening
Air conduction TDH 39
Optional: Intercom kit
Intercom data base: 150 test
USB connectivity
Optional : W50 audiometry software
User manual English, Italian (available on request French or Spanish)
Size 390 x 260 x 105 mm
Weight: 2,4 kg
Power: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
LCD alphanumeric backlight (2 lines of 16 characters)
Program to personalize the audiometer according to the needs of the user

Frequencies and levels
Standard frequencies: 125 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 HZ
Musical frequency: 131 262 523 - 1047 - 2093 - 4186 - 8372 HZ
Air conduction (THD 39) 80 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 110 110 dB HL
Bone conduction (B 71) - 50 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 - - dB HL
Free field - 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 - dB HL

Masking noise
Narrow bandwidth AC 60 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 dB HL
Narrow bandwidth BC - 50 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 - - dB HL
White AC 100 dB SPL
Speech 100 dB SPL

Air conduction 100 dB SPL
Free field 80 dB a 1m dal paziente dB SPL

Minimum levels
All options -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 dB HL

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